People who contributed to agricultural education

Here, we introduce the people who have contributed to Japanese agricultural education.

People who supported the development of Japanese agriculture

William Smith Clark … An American educator known for the saying, “Boy, have ambitions.” In 1876, the Sapporo Agricultural College, the predecessor of the current Hokkaido University, was opened in Sapporo. He is one of the people who laid the foundation for modern agricultural education in Japan.

Kanji Sato: An agronomist in the Meiji and Taisho eras, he introduced overseas agricultural economics to Japan, taught at Tokyo Imperial University, and then worked as president and director of Tokyo University of Agriculture to spread agricultural education.

Yasuyama Shiga: The first person to have a Ph.D. in forestry in Japan, he worked for the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and Tokyo Imperial University Agricultural University, and contributed to the spread of forestry. Research on wood preservative technology, which can be said to be the greatest achievement, influenced the technological development of posterity and triggered the enactment of the Wood Preservative Special Measures Law.