What is Agricultural High School?

Introducing an overview of high schools and agricultural high schools where you can learn about agriculture.
Difference between agricultural high school and general high school
Agricultural high school is one of the vocational high schools whose main purpose is to acquire knowledge about agriculture. While ordinary high schools (general high schools) learn comprehensive knowledge and liberal arts, agricultural high schools are characterized by learning at least comprehensive liberal arts while specializing in agriculture-related subjects.
Learning at Agricultural High School covers a wide range of fields such as agriculture, horticulture, livestock, agricultural machinery, agricultural civil engineering, and forestry. You will also learn about farming and economics.
There are various career paths for graduates, including not only farmers, but also agricultural cooperatives, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries-related organizations, food and science manufacturers, and statue banquet jobs. In recent years, the demand for agricultural high schools has decreased and the number of schools has been forced to decrease due to the decrease in the number of people who can succeed farmers and the increase in the number of applicants for university entrance.